Genshosha and Shokeizan

The smoke rising from the climbing kiln of Shokeizan-yaki has disappeared high into the sky, and all that remains now are the pieces created by the late Umeo Yamamoto.

The following is a small description of how Genshosha feels about being involved with Iwami-Yunotsu ware Shokeizan.

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  • 山陰にて収集した、島根は温泉津の松渓山焼を始め、神羅土器などの発掘品が集まります。

  • 茶碗


  • 大皿



Genshosha ゲン-ショウ・シャ【現象・舎】

The meaning of Genshosha ゲン-ショウ・シャ【現象・舎】 is all things that can be perceived by humans.
The external manifestation of the essence of the harmony of natural and man-made temperance, or a collection of things.

We take old things in our hands, wild flowers and plants, and use local water to make tea, and collect things that have been passed down through the lives of nature and people.